Resizing a JPEG Image with Thundax Image Resizer
These days I've been focused on a new web gallery for my pictures and I've come up with the idea of developing a simple application using Delphi 2010 to help me with the tedious task of resizing all my pictures in different sizes and creating thumbnails as well. I used and modified the code from Andrew Jameson to smoothly resize a JPEG image. With my last application you can resize an image in 3 different sizes in one shoot, defining them into the program. The application is called Thundax Image Resizer and you can download it for free. It can resize JPEG images and it can do it in batch.
Here you can see an image of the program:
Once the picture is selected and we resize de image, we'll get the new resized images into the output directory with the name concatenated with its resolution.
Afterwards, we can check our pictures resized and keeping a high quality:Here you can get the code of the unit LibResize.pas:
unit LibResize; interface uses jpeg, windows, Graphics, SysUtils, Classes, StrUtils; type TRGBArray = array [Word] of TRGBTriple; pRGBArray = ^TRGBArray; procedure ResizeImage(path : string; FileName: string; MaxWidth: Integer; quality : integer); implementation procedure SmoothResize(Src, Dst: TBitmap); var x, y: Integer; xP, yP: Integer; xP2, yP2: Integer; SrcLine1, SrcLine2: pRGBArray; t3: Integer; z, z2, iz2: Integer; DstLine: pRGBArray; DstGap: Integer; w1, w2, w3, w4: Integer; begin Src.PixelFormat := pf24Bit; Dst.PixelFormat := pf24Bit; if (Src.Width = Dst.Width) and (Src.Height = Dst.Height) then Dst.Assign(Src) else begin DstLine := Dst.ScanLine[0]; DstGap := Integer(Dst.ScanLine[1]) - Integer(DstLine); xP2 := MulDiv(pred(Src.Width), $10000, Dst.Width); yP2 := MulDiv(pred(Src.Height), $10000, Dst.Height); yP := 0; for y := 0 to pred(Dst.Height) do begin xP := 0; SrcLine1 := Src.ScanLine[yP shr 16]; if (yP shr 16 < pred(Src.Height)) then SrcLine2 := Src.ScanLine[succ(yP shr 16)] else SrcLine2 := Src.ScanLine[yP shr 16]; z2 := succ(yP and $FFFF); iz2 := succ((not yP) and $FFFF); for x := 0 to pred(Dst.Width) do begin t3 := xP shr 16; z := xP and $FFFF; w2 := MulDiv(z, iz2, $10000); w1 := iz2 - w2; w4 := MulDiv(z, z2, $10000); w3 := z2 - w4; DstLine[x].rgbtRed := (SrcLine1[t3].rgbtRed * w1 + SrcLine1[t3 + 1].rgbtRed * w2 + SrcLine2[t3].rgbtRed * w3 + SrcLine2[t3 + 1] .rgbtRed * w4) shr 16; DstLine[x].rgbtGreen := (SrcLine1[t3].rgbtGreen * w1 + SrcLine1[t3 + 1].rgbtGreen * w2 + SrcLine2[t3].rgbtGreen * w3 + SrcLine2[t3 + 1].rgbtGreen * w4) shr 16; DstLine[x].rgbtBlue := (SrcLine1[t3].rgbtBlue * w1 + SrcLine1[t3 + 1].rgbtBlue * w2 + SrcLine2[t3].rgbtBlue * w3 + SrcLine2[t3 + 1] .rgbtBlue * w4) shr 16; Inc(xP, xP2); end; Inc(yP, yP2); DstLine := pRGBArray(Integer(DstLine) + DstGap); end; end; end; function LoadJPEGPictureFile(Bitmap: TBitmap; FilePath, FileName: string): Boolean; var JPEGImage: TJPEGImage; begin if (FileName = '') then Result := False else begin try JPEGImage := TJPEGImage.Create; try JPEGImage.LoadFromFile(FilePath + FileName); Bitmap.Assign(JPEGImage); Result := true; finally JPEGImage.Free; end; except Result := False; end; end; end; function SaveJPEGPictureFile(Bitmap: TBitmap; FilePath, FileName: string; Quality: Integer): Boolean; var size: string; extension: string; newName: string; begin Result := true; try if ForceDirectories(FilePath) then begin with TJPEGImage.Create do begin try Assign(Bitmap); CompressionQuality := Quality; size := '_' + IntToStr(Bitmap.Width) + 'x' + IntToStr(Bitmap.Height); extension := ExtractFileExt(FileName); newName := AnsiLeftStr(FileName, Length(FileName) - Length(extension)) + size + extension; SaveToFile(FilePath + newName); finally Free; end; end; end; except raise ; Result := False; end; end; function JPEGDimensions(FileName: string; var x, y: Word): Boolean; var SegmentPos: Integer; SOIcount: Integer; b: byte; begin Result := False; with TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone) do begin try Position := 0; Read(x, 2); if (x <> $D8FF) then exit; SOIcount := 0; Position := 0; while (Position + 7 < size) do begin Read(b, 1); if (b = $FF) then begin Read(b, 1); if (b = $D8) then Inc(SOIcount); if (b = $DA) then break; end; end; if (b <> $DA) then exit; SegmentPos := -1; Position := 0; while (Position + 7 < size) do begin Read(b, 1); if (b = $FF) then begin Read(b, 1); if (b in [$C0, $C1, $C2]) then begin SegmentPos := Position; dec(SOIcount); if (SOIcount = 0) then break; end; end; end; if (SegmentPos = -1) then exit; if (Position + 7 > size) then exit; Position := SegmentPos + 3; Read(y, 2); Read(x, 2); x := Swap(x); y := Swap(y); Result := true; finally Free; end; end; end; procedure ResizeImage(path : string; FileName: string; MaxWidth: Integer; quality : integer); var OldBitmap: TBitmap; NewBitmap: TBitmap; begin OldBitmap := TBitmap.Create; try if LoadJPEGPictureFile(OldBitmap, ExtractFilePath(FileName), ExtractFileName(FileName)) then begin if (OldBitmap.Width > MaxWidth) then begin NewBitmap := TBitmap.Create; try NewBitmap.Width := MaxWidth; NewBitmap.Height := MulDiv(MaxWidth, OldBitmap.Height, OldBitmap.Width); SmoothResize(OldBitmap, NewBitmap); SaveJPEGPictureFile(NewBitmap, path, ExtractFileName(FileName), quality) finally NewBitmap.Free; end; end; end; finally OldBitmap.Free; end; end; end.
Nice one! Resizing images is one of those annoying but constant problems. I built an online applet for the same purpose, .
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment and for the link. I've been using FotoSizer for a long time and I decided to create this application to go faster with my web development, generating more than 1 picture at a time.
I've updated the application, there was a little mistake with the source path extraction.
ReplyDeletethat's very cool and very helpful for designers!!!!
ReplyDeleteyou can design for printing and then use this application to upload them in the net! cool!
Hi Laura,
ReplyDeleteYes, you can create your releases and then with the combination of Thundax Batch Watermark and Thundax Image resizer you can add a watermark to your pictures and then resize them in different sizes to upload them on the net, keeping the quality of your work.
Thank you so much for this good explained