Monitoring processes with Delphi
The other day we were interested on listing the threads of a process with one of my colleagues. We started looking for some information on the internet and ended in a very interesting application from sourceforge. Before continuing, I've made several changes into the blog in order to gain more exposure. I've added the Feedjit widgets to show the list of trafic feed and page popularity and I've also added two more buttons showing my profile into delicious and flickr. And I've truncated the post to gain load pages and bandwidth.
Well, going on in our topic, I've managed to release a little application that shows all the processes and the threads on every process. It's a simple approximation, but it helps to understand how works the API by Using the CreateToolhelp32Snapshot function where we can point the list of process and go to each of them and gather their properties. For the threads, we can use the same function but using the threads functions to cover all of them.
I've got some of information from Experts-exchange and I found a little example from madshi and I've made some modifications and I've adapted the methods for my own intentions.
Here you can get the source code modified:
The example of creating the object TProcessMonitor is the following:
And the execution of the program:

Interesting applications that I've found (Open Source) are asmProfiler and YAPM (Yet another Process Monitor). All of them amazing, and I recommend to visit their pages and downloading the latest version.
Well, going on in our topic, I've managed to release a little application that shows all the processes and the threads on every process. It's a simple approximation, but it helps to understand how works the API by Using the CreateToolhelp32Snapshot function where we can point the list of process and go to each of them and gather their properties. For the threads, we can use the same function but using the threads functions to cover all of them.
I've got some of information from Experts-exchange and I found a little example from madshi and I've made some modifications and I've adapted the methods for my own intentions.
Here you can get the source code modified:
unit processMonitor; interface uses Contnrs, Windows; type TExeType = (etUnknown, etDos, etWin16, etConsole, etWin32); TWindowList = array of record pid: cardinal; tid: cardinal; window: cardinal; parent: cardinal; owner: cardinal; visible: boolean; enabled: boolean; inTaskbar: boolean; rect: TRect; title: string; className: string; end; TThread = class(TObject) private Fwindows: TWindowList; FpId: cardinal; FtId: cardinal; procedure SetpId(const Value: cardinal); procedure SettId(const Value: cardinal); procedure Setwindows(const Value: TWindowList); public property pId: cardinal read FpId write SetpId; property tId: cardinal read FtId write SettId; property windows: TWindowList read Fwindows write Setwindows; function Clone() : TThread; end; TThreadList = class(TObjectList) protected function GetItem(Index: Integer): TThread; overload; procedure SetItem(Index: Integer; AObject: TThread); public property Items[Index: Integer]: TThread read GetItem write SetItem; default; end; TProcess = class(TObject) private Fname: string; FexeType: TExeType; Fpid: cardinal; Fthreads: TThreadList; procedure SetexeType(const Value: TExeType); procedure Setname(const Value: string); procedure Setpid(const Value: cardinal); procedure Setthreads(const Value: TThreadList); public property pid: cardinal read Fpid write Setpid; property name: string read Fname write Setname; property exeType: TExeType read FexeType write SetexeType; property threads: TThreadList read Fthreads write Setthreads; constructor Create(); destructor Destroy(); override; end; TProcessList = class(TObjectList) protected function GetItem(Index: Integer): TProcess; overload; procedure SetItem(Index: Integer; AObject: TProcess); public property Items[Index: Integer]: TProcess read GetItem write SetItem; default; end; TProcessMonitor = class(TObject) private FListOfProcess: TProcessList; FListOfThreads: TThreadList; procedure SetListOfProcess(const Value: TProcessList); procedure SetListOfThreads(const Value: TThreadList); public property ListOfProcess: TProcessList read FListOfProcess write SetListOfProcess; property ListOfThreads: TThreadList read FListOfThreads write SetListOfThreads; procedure FillListOfProcess(); procedure FillListOfThreads(); constructor Create(); destructor Destroy(); override; end; type TACardinal = array[0..maxInt shr 2 - 1] of cardinal; TPACardinal = ^TACardinal; TDACardinal = array of cardinal; const MAX_MODULE_NAME32 = 255; TH32CS_SnapProcess = 2; TH32CS_SnapThread = 4; TH32CS_SnapModule = 8; type TProcessEntry32 = record dwSize: DWORD; cntUsage: DWORD; th32ProcessID: DWORD; th32DefaultHeapID: DWORD; th32ModuleID: DWORD; cntThreads: DWORD; th32ParentProcessID: DWORD; pcPriClassBase: integer; dwFlags: DWORD; szExeFile: array[0..MAX_PATH - 1] of char; end; TThreadEntry32 = record dwSize: DWORD; cntUsage: DWORD; th32ThreadID: DWORD; th32OwnerProcessID: DWORD; tpBasePri: integer; tpDeltaPri: integer; dwFlags: DWORD; end; TModuleEntry32 = record dwSize: DWORD; th32ModuleID: DWORD; th32ProcessID: DWORD; GlblcntUsage: DWORD; ProccntUsage: DWORD; modBaseAddr: pointer; modBaseSize: DWORD; hModule: HMODULE; szModule: array[0..MAX_MODULE_NAME32] of char; szExePath: array[0..MAX_PATH - 1] of char; end; implementation uses SysUtils, ShellAPI; var CreateToolhelp32Snapshot: function(dwFlags, th32ProcessID: cardinal): cardinal; stdcall = nil; Process32First: function(hSnapshot: cardinal; var lppe: TProcessEntry32): bool; stdcall = nil; Process32Next: function(hSnapshot: cardinal; var lppe: TProcessEntry32): bool; stdcall = nil; Thread32First: function(hSnapshot: cardinal; var lpte: TThreadEntry32): bool; stdcall = nil; Thread32Next: function(hSnapshot: cardinal; var lpte: TThreadEntry32): bool; stdcall = nil; Module32First: function(hSnapshot: cardinal; var lpme: TModuleEntry32): bool; stdcall = nil; Module32Next: function(hSnapshot: cardinal; var lpme: TModuleEntry32): bool; stdcall = nil; EnumProcesses: function(idProcess: TPACardinal; cb: cardinal; var cbNeeded: cardinal): bool; stdcall = nil; EnumProcessModules: function(hProcess: cardinal; var hModule: cardinal; cb: cardinal; var cbNeeded: cardinal): bool; stdcall = nil; GetModuleFileNameEx: function(hProcess, hModule: cardinal; fileName: PChar; nSize: cardinal): cardinal; stdcall = nil; ew_pid, ew_tid: cardinal; ew_onlyThoseInTaskbar: boolean; function NextFunctions: boolean; var c1: cardinal; begin c1 := GetModuleHandle(kernel32); @CreateToolhelp32Snapshot := GetProcAddress(c1, 'CreateToolhelp32Snapshot'); @Process32First := GetProcAddress(c1, 'Process32First'); @Process32Next := GetProcAddress(c1, 'Process32Next'); @Thread32First := GetProcAddress(c1, 'Thread32First'); @Thread32Next := GetProcAddress(c1, 'Thread32Next'); @Module32First := GetProcAddress(c1, 'Module32First'); @Module32Next := GetProcAddress(c1, 'Module32Next'); result := (@CreateToolhelp32Snapshot <> nil) and (@Process32First <> nil) and (@Process32Next <> nil) and (@Thread32First <> nil) and (@Thread32Next <> nil) and (@Module32First <> nil) and (@Module32Next <> nil); end; function GetExeType(exefile: string): TExeType; var c1: cardinal; sfi: TSHFileInfo; s1: string; begin c1 := SHGetFileInfo(pchar(exefile), 0, sfi, SizeOf(sfi), SHGFI_EXETYPE); s1 := chr(c1 and $FF) + chr((c1 and $FF00) shr 8); if s1 = 'MZ' then result := etDos else if s1 = 'NE' then result := etWin16 else if (s1 = 'PE') and (hiWord(c1) = 0) then result := etConsole else if (s1 = 'PE') and (hiWord(c1) > 0) then result := etWin32 else if CompareText(AnsiUpperCase(ExtractFileName(exefile)), AnsiUpperCase('winoa386.mod')) = 0 then result := etDos else result := etUnknown; end; { TThread } function TThread.Clone: TThread; var res : TThread; begin res := TThread.Create; res.FpId := Self.FpId; res.FtId := Self.FtId; res.Fwindows := Self.Fwindows; result := res; end; procedure TThread.SetpId(const Value: cardinal); begin FpId := Value; end; procedure TThread.SettId(const Value: cardinal); begin FtId := Value; end; procedure TThread.Setwindows(const Value: TWindowList); begin Fwindows := Value; end; { TThreadList } function TThreadList.GetItem(Index: Integer): TThread; begin Result := TThread(inherited Items[Index]); end; procedure TThreadList.SetItem(Index: Integer; AObject: TThread); begin inherited Items[Index] := AObject; end; { TProcess } constructor TProcess.Create; begin Fthreads := TThreadList.Create; end; destructor TProcess.Destroy; begin FreeAndNil(Fthreads); inherited; end; procedure TProcess.SetexeType(const Value: TExeType); begin FexeType := Value; end; procedure TProcess.Setname(const Value: string); begin Fname := Value; end; procedure TProcess.Setpid(const Value: cardinal); begin Fpid := Value; end; procedure TProcess.Setthreads(const Value: TThreadList); begin Fthreads := Value; end; { TProcessMonitor } constructor TProcessMonitor.Create; begin FListOfProcess := TProcessList.Create(); FListOfThreads := TThreadList.Create(); FillListOfProcess(); end; destructor TProcessMonitor.Destroy; begin FreeAndNil(FListOfProcess); FreeAndNil(FListOfThreads); inherited; end; procedure TProcessMonitor.FillListOfProcess; var c1: cardinal; pe: TProcessEntry32; process: TProcess; i1, i2: Integer; begin if not NextFunctions then exit; c1 := CreateToolHelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SnapProcess, 0); try pe.dwSize := sizeOf(pe); if Process32First(c1, pe) then repeat process := TProcess.Create; := pe.th32ProcessID; := pe.szExeFile; process.exeType := GetExeType(; FListOfProcess.Add(process); until not Process32Next(c1, pe); finally CloseHandle(c1) end; FillListOfThreads(); for i1 := 0 to FListOfThreads.count - 1 do for i2 := 0 to FListOfProcess.count - 1 do if FListOfThreads[i1].pid = FListOfProcess[i2].pid then begin FListOfProcess[i2].threads.Add(FListOfThreads[i1].clone); end; end; procedure TProcessMonitor.FillListOfThreads; function EnumWindowsProc(hwnd: cardinal; lParam: integer): LongBool; stdcall; var pwl: ^TWindowList; i1: integer; cpid, ctid: cardinal; cpar, cown: cardinal; bvis, btsk: boolean; begin result := true; ctid := GetWindowThreadProcessID(hwnd, @cpid); if ((ew_pid = 0) or (ew_pid = cpid)) and ((ew_tid = 0) or (ew_tid = ctid)) then begin bvis := IsWindowVisible(hwnd); cown := GetWindow(hwnd, GW_OWNER); cpar := GetParent(hwnd); btsk := (cown = 0) and (cpar = 0) and bvis and (GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) and WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW = 0); if (not ew_onlyThoseInTaskbar) or btsk then begin pwl := pointer(lParam); i1 := length(pwl^); SetLength(pwl^, i1 + 1); with pwl^[i1] do begin window := hwnd; parent := cpar; owner := cown; visible := bvis; enabled := IsWindowEnabled(hwnd); inTaskbar := btsk; GetWindowRect(hwnd, rect); SetLength(title, MAX_PATH); SetLength(title, GetWindowText(hwnd, pchar(title), MAX_PATH)); SetLength(className, MAX_PATH); SetLength(className, GetClassName(hwnd, pchar(className), MAX_PATH)); pid := cpid; tid := ctid; end; end; end; end; function GetWindowList(pid: cardinal = 0; tid: cardinal = 0; onlyThoseInTaskbar: boolean = false): TWindowList; begin result := nil; ew_pid := pid; ew_tid := tid; ew_onlyThoseInTaskbar := onlyThoseInTaskbar; if ew_tid = 0 then EnumWindows(@EnumWindowsProc, integer(@result)) else EnumThreadWindows(ew_tid, @EnumWindowsProc, integer(@result)); end; var c1: cardinal; i1: integer; te: TThreadEntry32; thread: TThread; begin if not NextFunctions then exit; c1 := CreateToolHelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SnapThread, 0); try te.dwSize := sizeOf(te); if Thread32First(c1, te) then repeat thread := TThread.Create(); thread.tId := te.th32ThreadID; thread.pId := te.th32OwnerProcessID; FListOfThreads.Add(thread); until not Thread32Next(c1, te); finally CloseHandle(c1) end; for i1 := 0 to FListOfThreads.Count - 1 do if (FListOfThreads[i1].pid <> 0) then FListOfThreads[i1].windows := GetWindowList(FListOfThreads[i1].pid, FListOfThreads[i1].tid); end; procedure TProcessMonitor.SetListOfProcess(const Value: TProcessList); begin FListOfProcess := Value; end; procedure TProcessMonitor.SetListOfThreads(const Value: TThreadList); begin FListOfThreads := Value; end; { TProcessList } function TProcessList.GetItem(Index: Integer): TProcess; begin Result := TProcess(inherited Items[Index]); end; procedure TProcessList.SetItem(Index: Integer; AObject: TProcess); begin inherited Items[Index] := AObject; end; end.
The example of creating the object TProcessMonitor is the following:
var processMonitor : TProcessMonitor; implementation procedure TFMain.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var i : Integer; begin if Assigned(processMonitor) then FreeAndNil(processMonitor); processMonitor := TProcessMonitor.Create(); for i := 0 to processMonitor.ListOfProcess.Count - 1 do ListBox1.AddItem('pid: ' + IntToStr(processMonitor.ListOfProcess[i].pid) + ' appName: ' + processMonitor.ListOfProcess[i].name + ' number of Threads: ' + Inttostr(processMonitor.ListOfProcess[i].threads.count-1), processMonitor.ListOfProcess[i].threads); end; procedure TFMain.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin FreeAndNil(processMonitor); end; procedure TFMain.ListBox1DblClick(Sender: TObject); var t : TThreadList; i, j : integer; begin if ListBox1.Items.Count <>0 then begin Memo2.clear; Memo1.clear; t := TThreadList(ListBox1.Items.Objects[ListBox1.ItemIndex]); for i := 0 to t.Count -1 do begin memo2.Lines.Add('pid: ' + IntToStr(t[i].tId)); for j := 0 to Length(t[i].windows)-1 do begin Memo1.lines.Add('pid: ' + IntToStr(t[i].windows[j].pid) + ' tid: ' + IntToStr(t[i].windows[j].tid) + ' window: ' + IntToStr(t[i].windows[j].window) + ' parent: ' + IntToStr(t[i].windows[j].parent) + ' owner: ' + IntToStr(t[i].windows[j].owner) + ' title: ' + t[i].windows[j].title + ' className: ' + t[i].windows[j].className); end; end; end; end;
And the execution of the program:

Interesting applications that I've found (Open Source) are asmProfiler and YAPM (Yet another Process Monitor). All of them amazing, and I recommend to visit their pages and downloading the latest version.
"asmProfiler" and "YAPM" point to the same url. You should fix YAPM's link.
DeleteThank you.
ReplyDeleteI try to compile here, but in the "for i := 0 to t.Count -1 do" say thar Count does not contain a member and "t[i].windows" is undeclared. Please, i am doing something wrong?
ReplyDeleteHi Abraão,
DeleteHave you declared T as a THreadList and added the correct uses on the usage section?